[FOLDIO360] Upload to Facebook

You can share your 360 images to Facebook directly on the Foldio360 app.


1. Visit Foldio360 gallery on the Foldio360 application. Choose the 360 image that you want to share and click the share icon.


2. Click “FACEBOOK” and press “Quick upload” to share it directly.


3. when uploading process is finished, you can post your 360 image link on Facebook.
If you want to show the 360 image directly on the facebook without redirecting to your SPINZAM page, please upload gif file or mp4 file after exporting data.



For Android version, uploading 360 images to Facebook is different with iOS. You need to save the images to your smartphone gallery and share a GIF file to Facebook.

1. Visit Foldio360 gallery on the Foldio360 application. Choose the 360 image that you want to share and click the share icon.


2. Click “SAVE TO ALBUM” to save the data files to your smartphone gallery. Exporting data to your smartphone gallery is being processed.


3. You can find the images sources at every angle, GIF, MP4 files on your smartphone gallery. Share the GIF or MP4 files to your facebook page.


[SUMMARY] Uploading 360 contents online
Upload to Amazon
Upload to WordPress.org website
Upload to Medium
Upload to Shopify
Upload to Ebay
Upload to Squarespace
Upload to Instagram

Updated on December 5, 2018

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